About us:
Let’s manufacture possibilities - HP 3D Printing Solutions
We are a technology company born of the belief that companies should do more than just make a profit. They should make the world a better place. Our efforts in climate action, human rights, and digital equity prove that we are doing everything in our power to make it so.

Your contact at HP 3D Printing Solutions
William Vang
Sales Director
t: +443452704567
300 Thames Valley Park DriveReading
Explore available equipment:
HP Jet Fusion 5420W 3D printer
- Manufacturer: HP
- Print volume: 380 x 284 x 380 mm
- Layer thickness: 80 micrometers
- Print accuracy: 0,2mm and better
HP Jet Fusion 4200 - Industrial 3D Printing
- Manufacturer: HP
- Effective building volume: 380 x 284 x 380 mm
- Building speed: Up to 4115 cm³/hr (251 in³/hr
- Layer thickness: 0.08 mm
HP Metal Jet S100 3D Printing Solution
- Manufacturer: HP
- Effective building volume: 430 x 309 x 200 mm
- Building speed: 1990 cc/hr8
- Layer thickness: 35 – 140 µm